New office building in downtown Buenos Aires with a modern glazed facade that gives it prominence over neighbouring structures.

Eckersley O’Callaghan engineered the facade for Carlos Pellegrini 719, a 13-floor office building located on a central boulevard in Buenos Aires.

The facade features floor-to-floor glass, contrasting with its concrete neighbours in its transparency and openness. The glass is fritted to give a reflective daytime appearance, while the interior glows at night.

The flanking details at the building interfaces and glazed parapets require the glass to cantilever beyond its supporting frame to maintain a simple, ordered appearance.

The facade system is developed as a unitised curtain wall, meeting all of the local requirements for performance, fire separation, safety and structural robustness.

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Grimaldi Nacht Arqs

Javier Agustin Rojas